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Mahanayak Kharvel 8

Mahanayak Kharvel English Ep

Arya Suhastisuriji was seated in one corner of the vast space where the revered ascetic Bhagavants were residing, This place was secluded and completely covered by the expansive growth of the Lata and Gulmavalli plants. In the garden, where hundreds of ascetic monks of the Sthavirakalpi tradition were meditating, this secluded spot was not immediately noticeable to anyone entering the garden. In front of Suhastisuriji, sitting on the pristine land in a humble posture, were two monks and one lay follower. The lay followers seemed to be none other than Emperor Samprati, but who were the two monks?

"Maharajshri! Regarding Pataliputra, all I want to say is that it is not that I had to leave Pataliputra. Instead, I voluntarily chose to leave it, and there is also a truth in that while I left Pataliputra physically, I have not yet left it mentally. The attachment I have for it has not yet died. Leaving the land soaked in the fragrance of the presence of my ancestors, the very foundation of the Maurya empire, was extremely painful for me."

"Even though seven decades have passed, I still feel pride in the throne of Pataliputra. I honour it. Even if the ruler here is weak, this  place is remarkable.Even if the Maharaja here does not respect me as the 'Emperor,' it is still my duty to uphold the dignity of Pataliputra."

"I still remember that night, Gurudev! When I had advised Emperor Ashoka, the great patriarch, to leave Pataliputra and go to Ujjain to govern the Mauryan Empire."

"Grandfather said, 'Samprati! Just tell me once who is stopping you from coming to Pataliputra? See what becomes of him! I have a great disdain for conspirators, Samprati! Whatever you say, I am ready to do it. But dear, please take over the throne of Pataliputra. It is the seat of a lion. I will not like it at all if a jackal sits here.'"

"But I explained to him, I said, 'Grandfather! On one side is the throne of Pataliputra, and on the other is the undivided Maurya Empire. Both cannot be managed together. Either you uphold the integrity of the Maurya Empire with the enjoyment of Pataliputra or sacrifice the unity of the Maurya Empire to protect Pataliputra.'"

"Grandfather said, 'I understand what you're trying to say, dear! Your priority is to keep the Maurya Empire united, and the enemies within this family—those who cruelly blinded my son Kunal to gain a fragment of the kingdom—how do we escape from them? The root of all this was that I could not appoint my son Kunal as the heir of Pataliputra from the beginning. Injustice was done to the one who was most deserving of Pataliputra. The consequences were disastrous. One such consequence was that Pataliputra was left utterly orphaned. Samprati! If you do not come here, I will not appoint anyone to the throne. Let whatever happens to Pataliputra happen.'"

"Maharajshri, after Grandfather Ashoka passed away, Pataliputra became a battleground of royal disputes and conspiracies. For three years after the emperor's demise, there was an internal struggle among the Maurya dynasty for control of Pataliputra's throne. Many lost their lives; some were thrown down, and injustice was done to many.

I sat in Ujjain, quietly watching the power struggle over Pataliputra's throne. I always felt that this was bound to happen. Had I been seated in Pataliputra, those who are now fighting, killing, and being killed, would have joined forces to kill me first. Let whatever happens happen, but the throne of Pataliputra must remain empty. Without hesitation, I accepted their wishes. I vacated the throne and left Pataliputra and its power-hungry ambitions to their fate.

I focused my attention on the development of the Maurya Empire and the welfare of its people. I felt that with the influence of Jainism, the well-being of all living beings, both in this life and the next, could be ensured, and so I made everyone devout followers of religion. Empresses who had never seen the sun, many warriors, chieftains, and ministers donned the robes of monks and were sent to far-off lands like China, Burma, Sri Lanka, the Vijir region, Nepal, and the northern territories, the successor states of the Maurya Empire.

Within the internal divisions of the Andhra, Tamil, Rathika, Bhojika, Saurashtra, Gurjara, and Rajputana kingdoms, I made the flame of Jainism burn even brighter and more radiant. In all these acts of welfare, I completely forgot about Pataliputra..."

"But no, even though I thought I had forgotten Pataliputra, somewhere deep within me, Pataliputra was still alive, and its allure still held me. Pataliputra still calls to me."

"Maharajshri! It has been 47 years since Pataliputra was separated from its emperor. I thought everything had returned to normal by now. The second generation of rulers of Punyaraths lineage had taken over. The hunger for power among the rulers here would have been controlled. The new generation would not be like the old one. But, Gurudev, I was mistaken; I was proven wrong."

"I had deliberately neglected and kept this eastern part of India, this region of the Mauryan Empire, untouched due to the fear of domestic strife. As a result, instead of diminishing, the rulers' greed for power here had turned into an even more blazing flame.The rule in Pataliputra had become similar to that of an empire. All the chieftains of India bowed to me. Whenever the Rath Yatra of the living saint took place in Avanti, they were always present. Yet, the rulers of Pataliputra did not even maintain such decorum."

"And today, when Emperor Samprati of India—who had come to Pataliputra not for any other reason but as a guest for a religious occasion—was attacked in an assassination attempt by Brihadratha. The spies reported that had I been seated on the Maurya throne, the arrow would have pierced directly into my forehead. Since I was seated on the throne, the assassin took time to aim, and the incredible agility of Kalinga Prince Kharavela allowed me to survive for a few more years to serve the religious order."

"This was the entire story that I had to share with you and your chief disciple in seclusion. When I was born, my father Kunal took me in a sack to hide his identity and went to Grandfather. Using his extraordinary singing ability, he pleased Grandfather and was asked to request a gift. At that time, he asked for 'Kakani.'"

Grandfather did not understand why this emperor of music was asking for 'Kakani,'(a small currency denomination) a trivial request. He said, 'Brother! What can I give you in this?' My father remained silent. Then the 'Mahamati' (minister) standing beside them said, 'Emperor! In the language of the Kshatriyas, "Kakani" means "kingdom."'

"Grandfather looked at his face again, gazing deeply, and said, 'Dear Kunal?” My father kissed the emperor's feet. The emperor embraced my father. After many years, father and son were reunited.

"Then, becoming serious, Grandfather asked, 'Dear one! What did you ask for? Say it again.' And my father recited:

'Chandaguttopaputtoyo, Bindusarasya nattoyo, 

Asogasirino putto, andho jayaha kagini' 

(The great grandson of Chandragupta, the grandson of Bindusara, the son of Emperor Ashoka, a blind man asking for a mere "Kakani.")'

'But dear one! You are injured physically. Son! How can I give you the empire? How will these ambitious Mauryas remain under your control, dear one?'

'I am asking for the kingdom for him,' my father said, taking me out of the sack and handing me to the emperor. 'Who is this?' the emperor asked. My father replied, 'Your grandson and my son.'

'You have a son?' The emperor asked, kissing my little hands. 'When, dear one?'"

"Samprati, just now,' my father said. From that day onwards, the emperor said to my father, 'Dear one! From today, this child will be known as Samprati. The Magadha region has already been given to the Kumarbhukti (the Prince's dominion). You keep the Avanti region. I give the Avanti region to you and your son, Samprati, under Kumarbhukti. And dear! Raise this child in such a way that he becomes the future successful leader of the undivided Maurya Empire. The future emperor, Samprati, the son of Emperor Kunal of the Maurya dynasty.”

"Every ruler has their own problems. They have their own questions. When the emperor was alive, my responsibility was limited to only Avanti. But after the emperor's passing, the responsibility of managing all of India fell upon me.

(To be continued)"


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